Tuesday 18 June 2019

What am I doing!

I was so bad yesterday. Ate a good few crisps after lunch. We had a plumber round at 5 and quite the mess was made in the kitchen so we had a chippie followed by me eating fizzy sweets a twirl and a fudge at night. I was also 13 9 on the scales yesterday!

Sunday 16 June 2019

Day 22 fathers day

Went to a friends house this morning for a run around the field with the kids. I had a cheese salad sandwich for lunch. We had a dominos tonight as it was husbands choice. I ate almost a whole medium size. Stopped eating at 6. Only water. Tonight would definitely of been a binge night of I hadn't stopped eating at 6 .

Saturday 15 June 2019

Day 21 Weigh day 13 5

So I should be more than 13 5. Yesterday I ste what felt like loads. I actually felt sick before my dinner. I had been eating  fudges and crisps.However I stopped eating at 5.30 and only had green tea. So I feel amazing this morning. I think I am going to try and only eat between 9ish and 5ish. Was going to make this a new day 1 but think I will just mskevlsst week a blip and continue.
Not the best day. I made a healthy curry for dinner and stopped eating at 5.30. Just had earl grey eith no milk.

Friday 14 June 2019

20 lb in 10 weeks.

Tomorrow i am going to stand on the scales and weigh myself in pounds. Not stone and pounds just pounds. I am going to stick to ww for the 10 weeks. I really just need to stop with the binging to be honest. If I could go 10 weeks without binging that would be a first!

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Day 18 - fresh start 13 8 (3/8)

I am almost at the point of no return. Binged last night on timeouts and ice lollys ... oh and biscuits. I am sitting at 13 8 but I think that's still just food weight and I could get back to 13 6 for weigh day on Saturday. Then my aim will be to get as near 12 stone as possible in the 10 weeks until holiday. I also go to my parents in 4 weeks time. It would be good to be into the 12s by then.
Didnt eat until lunchtime today. Had a sandwich stuffed with egg mayo. 10sp.

Monday 10 June 2019

Day 16 weigh day catch up

Friday my parents and the in laws were here. Drank a lot of prosecco.

I was 13 6 on Saturday before wedding. I haven't taken photos of food all food over the weekend.  None from the wedding .Today I haven't been that good but thought inwoukd get into it again. I was also 13 8 this morning. Yesterday I had a cooked breakfast, half a sandwich and a burger from wetherspoons. I also ate some of As pizza and my husbands Chinese.

Today my parents left and we headed back to wedding venue to pick up the brolly I left. Went to a music class then Gregg's. I actually ate a good bit of a pizza slice which isn't counted or pictured. I will be strict tomorrow.

What am I doing!

I was so bad yesterday. Ate a good few crisps after lunch. We had a plumber round at 5 and quite the mess was made in the kitchen so we had ...